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Friday, July 29, 2011

What do you get...

What do you get when you are alone with 5 kids at a playground and one has to pee really bad? 
A big puddle at the bottom of the slide.
A kid walking really funny on the way to the car.
And a wet ride home.

Thanks to my sister who dealt with the situation very gracefully.

Monday, July 18, 2011

A day without naps

You know those days that seem to last forever? I swear, every time I looked at the clock today, it was three o'clock! The kids did not have naps, which could have been the reason for the long, never ending day, or the fact that I watched my sisters 4 year old twins for a few hours. A few hours with four 4 year olds and a 2 year old will make any day seem like forever. It was kind of like watching TNA wrestling, Super Nanny(before she shows up at the house), and Bloopers all at once. All I wanted to do was change the channel, but couldn't find the stinking remote!

My butt must have some kind of beeper on it, as soon as it hits the chair, a buzzer goes off, it causes all the kids to scream and cry at once. My voice seems to be on mute, I cannot find out how to unmute it and turn the volume up.  My mind is stuck on replay, or it might just be that my kids keep saying and doing the same annoying things over and over and over and over...see? Where is that damn remote?

The one good thing about not having naps, is the early bedtime! Hopefully the kids will be in bed early and I can finally sit down without any buzzing sounds and watch my reality TV. Oh crap, I've got to go find that friggen remote!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ghosts, rocks and animals...OH MY!

Been busy ghost hunting, rock collecting and saving wild animals. Going to the beach tomorrow with Mom, Sis, friends and 12 kids.  Twelve kids equal...12 buckets...thats alot of rocks! Hopefully there are no baby animals at the beach to follow me home.   L